New students of Economics in India or people who interested with Indian Economics will have to add a new sub-article or subject when they discuss about the under development or slow pace of development at India, that is "Political Professionals". Indeed, it is the fact that politics is becoming a fastest growing industry and people are finding various types of jobs there. Politics is becoming a popular profession in India where anyone can find their own role without having any minimum qualification.
Some citizens believes that People who joins politics either do so because it's the family profession or they have lots of time and money or they have enough 'goondas' to garner votes for them. There is no place for educated individuals in politics. Just like our famous business glamor faced families like, TATA, Ambani, Mithal, Bajaj etc., Nehru/Ghandi family also turned or emphasized or realized that their family business is Politics. Even after becoming a good pilot, our Former Prime Minister Late Rajiv Ghandi has turned in to their family business (Politics) and it has been taken over by wife, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Rahul, then Priyanka and its going on and on. On other side, Mrs. Menaka Ghandi and son Mr. Varun also managed to set up or flourish their on business. I have mentioned these names only for having an easy examples, not for cornering their political thoughts or political ideologies.
It became a trend within the other professionals (Real Professionals) like Civil Service personnel (IAS, IFS etc.), Doctors, Engineers and even retired cine-artists, to join the renowned political parties or to form political party itself to 'serve' the community with rest of their life span. We will get hundreds of examples and answers, if we look around the society. If someone is interested or dedicates his life for social service or helping his community, support of a political party may not be a necessary. Say for an example, Great Mother Theresa was not from a political party or was not a supporter of a political party.
Politics is to be classed as a profession rather than public service, then formal qualifications have to be met by applicants, along with a good work history, is it happening anywhere in India??
The people who control our country or making the planning and strategies for the development of our country are always belongs to some parties, or even the nominees of some business groups etc. These people shall always having their own commitments to their parties and promoters rather than the common public.
The people who control our country or making the planning and strategies for the development of our country are always belongs to some parties, or even the nominees of some business groups etc. These people shall always having their own commitments to their parties and promoters rather than the common public.
Comments and debates are appreciated....
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