Saturday, May 5, 2018

Improve the Society, it starts from you...

Everyone is committed to the improvement or betterment of his society and the improvement of his Nation as a whole.

Basic qualification of an individual is to be considered as Honesty, Sincerity and Humanity & Kindness.  An individual with these qualities can form an ideal Family and then group of Group of Families which in turn will construct the healthy society.

The improvement of a society starts from nowhere but from people themselves. Unless the people need for a change in the society, the government can play no role, as the government represents nothing but the voices and choices of the people.

The best idea to improve the society is to improve ourselves:

It is rightly said by some great personality that- it's not a country that develops, it's some states that develops. It's not the states that develop, it's some cities that develop. It's never that some cities develop, there are some societies that develop. It's not that a society develop, some families develop. & last but not the least it's not some families, it's us the family members that develop eventually leading to develop the whole society, city, state, the nation & the world as well. 

Best thing that we can do to make this world a better place is be at our best, & if we miss to do so then we reduce the quality of the world.  Without your best, the world can't be at its best.  So instead of finding ways to develop our society we must find ways to develop ourselves & having done that we must find ways to teach the whole society the same. 

Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of the society.
Education, includes classes in a building, but it also means learning about the world around us. Get to know your friends, family and community better and how comfortably they are living.

Understanding your history is another key for a civilized society.  Understanding the history means, understanding about your Parents and their struggle to build up your family, understand your leader and their struggle to build up your communities and country etc.  After all, understanding the history teaches about what you should follow and what you should not do, which all can affect your society in various ways.

Todays’ Society is facing a lot of challenges like, Crime, poverty, unemployment etc. which are in turn making lots of public spending for maintaining law and order and in creating new job opportunities.   That means to help the individuals to lead a happy and healthy life, it is necessary for the society to find the challenges as listed above and make efforts to eliminate them.  

Every individuals have to support the local government bodies in fighting against the bad elements of the society, minimum for the following:

- Support to preserve the nature and environment
- Providing equal opportunities and to all the individual in Education, Employment etc.
- Better education system 
- Fight against Poverty and inequalities
- Providing Better health care and improved life standards etc.

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